Appointments/Hours & Locations

Salisbury Office – Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am – 11:00am (Sick visits only)

106 Milford Street, Suite 201, Salisbury, MD 21804

Berlin Office – Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

29 Broad Street, Suite 201, Berlin, MD 21811

Chesapeake Pediatrics Berlin

Contact Us/Make an Appointment:

Appointment Line/Main number: 410-543-1616

All messages will be answered within 24 hours on business days – please call the on call provider after regular business hours

Text for an Appointment: (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm ONLY) 443-523-0532

Please do not utilize text or email for any urgent communication and do not text videos/photos unless requested by the provider or nurse

After Hours: Call 410-543-1616 and you will be directed to the answering service and a provider on call will call you back

Fax: 410-543-8497


Please do not utilize this email address for any forms, any urgent communication, to make an appointment and DO NOT SEND videos/photos unless requested by a provider or nurse – this email box is only monitored during business hours and your email will only be answered within 48hrs on business days

* If you feel your child has a life threatening illness, we advise you to call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room *

Our office sees patients by appointment only. If you find that you cannot keep your child’s appointment, we ask that you call us at least 2 hours before the scheduled appointment to cancel. This will allow us to schedule other patients who need appointments in those spots.

If you are a new patient and you miss two appointments in a row without calling, we will ask you to find a new pediatrician.

If you miss three appointments in a 12 month period, this will be grounds for dismissal from our practice.

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